Frequently asked questions

When and where can we contact you?

We are available:
Mon – Fri 10am-8pm and Sat – Sun 10:30am-3:30pm
You can email us on help@barlinnievisitorscentre.org or call us on 07484 664 950

Families Outside Helpline is available Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm 0800 254 0088

 SPS has a Families Helpline Monday – Friday 9am-3pm 0131 330 3888 for general enquiries on prison life, there is also an FAQ section for families on the COVID Hub page

How can I put money into a prison account?

You can now send money to prisoners through your online banking.
All you need to do is login to your online banking account, and setup a new payee using the following details:
Payee name: Scottish Prison Service Prisoner Funds Central
Use the following account number and sort code for the new payee;
 Account No: 21170685
Sort Code: 83-06-08
When asked for a reference number- put the prisoners unique
reference number in. This is just their prisoner number and their date of birth (e.g. 123456 01011970).

You can also use cash machine, located across from the booking in desk at the prison.
Please note: the machine only accepts £5, £10 and £20 notes. You can deposit a maximum of £50 a day.

Visiting prison can be confusing and you might feel a bit embarrassed and like everyone else knows what to do. If you still have worries or queries after looking through these questions – or you find it easier to speak to someone directly, please get in touch and we can phone, email or arrange to see you at the prison for a support chat.

How do I contact someone in prison?

You can create an account at emailaprisoner.com
Through this account you will be able to send emails to prisoners (40p per message, plus 25p for a response sheet) and also gain access to virtual visits.
You can also write to prisoners using the following address:

Prisoner name & prison number
HMP Barlinnie
81 Lee Avenue 
G33 2QX

Travelling to prison

Visiting HMP Barlinnie

Handing in items for someone in prison


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